Kritzinger, Basson, Le Roux & Olivier Family
Family, nature and health all go together. – Olivia Newton-John
Paulsen Family
So spesiaal om elke jaar vir julle ‘n sessie te kan doen en te sien hoe julle pragtige kinders ontwikkel.
Victor Family
The children have been a wonderful gift to me, and I’m thankful to have once again seen our world through their eyes. They restore my faith in the family’s future.– Jackie Kennedy
Dicks Maternity
Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back. – John Ruskin
Van Den Berg Maternity
Mooiste mommy to be, ek sien so uit om hierdie klein lyfie afteneem.
Growth Properties
Mooiste dames van Growth Properties dit was n heerlike oggend saam julle.
Mel’s Birthday Celebration
Happiest Birthday dearest Mell, you are so loved! Coordinated by 2iC Event Management
Lesch Family
Geluk met julle mooiste seuntjie Vivian, soos altyd lekker om julle afteneem.